Richest Man In Town

Richest Man In Town

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blowing up the box

Labels are interesting things.  They are pretty much unavoidable.  No matter where you go you are going to have interactions with people and those people are going to make quick snap judgements about who you are.  They will believe that they have you figured out after the very first meeting.  After that they want you to stay inside of the box they just created for you.  The interesting thing about that is we tend not to venture too far from that box for fear of going through the painful labeling process all over again.  So we stay inside the prescribed area trying our hardest to be what they want us to be.

Even more odd than the labels given to us by strangers are the labels we give ourselves.  We spend so much time around other people and feeling like we need to impress those people that we pick up on the labels they might like and we start to live inside the self induced box.

I have the uncomfortable reality right now in my life to be surrounded by all new people.  I have left my friends behind and now am in a strange new place meeting strange new people every day.  So now I am going through the process of being labeled and given the box that people expect me to live in.

Change is good though.  I am forced to either accept what others want me to be,  or try to be what I think they want.  Or we have another choice,  be who we are.  I have learned over my years in service that there isn't a label or box we have to live within to be a positive force in peoples lives.  As long as I remember the one truth,  I am a child of God,  I can be whoever and whatever I want and still do good.  Labels mean nothing as long as I remember that.    So for those of you wanting to know who I am here you go:

I am
  1. Punk Rock Listening
  2. Skateboarding
  3. Loud music jamming
  4. Sports loving
  5. Sarcastic
  6. movie crying
  7. General Conference loving
  8. fun loving
  9. love to laugh 
  10. lullaby singing
  11. kid loving
  12. story reading
  13. homework helping
  14. hug and kiss giving
  15. husband 
  16. father
  17. Gospel loving
  18. scripture reading 
  19. God loving
  20. Wife loving
  21. Son of God
I am sure there are some labels people want to add to the list that I can't print on this G rated blog.  Being different is good.  We don't have to fall in line. Those things that make us unique are what makes the Gospel work.  Those experiences that make us unique are what has the real impact in peoples lives.  Those things that make us unique are what makes people either embrace us or move on.  It's OK if people move on and don't want what you are,  such is life.  We don't need to sell out who we are and what are life experiences were in order to fit inside of a box.  The only thing that matters is that we stay true to being Children of God and the teachings of the Gospel.  If we can do this everything else will fall in line.


  1. I know I'm not a man, and therefore should not comment on this blog...but this post made me think of this:

    President Thomas S. Monson said,

    “None of us is perfect. I know of no one who would profess to be so. And yet for some reason, despite our own imperfections, we have a tendency to point out those of others. We make judgments concerning their actions or inactions.

    There is really no way we can know the heart, the intentions, or the circumstances of someone who might say or do something we find reason to criticize.

    Thus the commandment: ‘Judge not’.”

  2. You have a great way of expressing what goes through all our minds but we can't seem to find the words to describe it.


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