I have no idea how I will maintain an active blog with regular updates. I have no idea who will read this. But I do know that from time to time I feel like I have something to say and so I will write. Then there are times when I read something that I come across or a friend sends my way that really does change me and I feel like sharing it with the world. Well, now in my own way I can.
Finally, about the title..."The Richest Man in Town". The line comes at the end of It's A Wonderful Life. The words are a toast to George Bailey and every time I see that scene, I am reminded of what this life is about. Screw the Potters of the world. This life is about family, friends, and making a difference in the world around us. Life is wonderful and there are great reminders of that simple fact under our very noses everyday. We do not need ideal circumstances to be happy. I hope that I can use this blog as a constant reminder that George Bailey, and all men like him, in the end have everything that matters.
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