I am sure that we have heard and know that we cannot be saved in ignorance. While I have definitely tried to play that card once or twice, it has not worked because in my 35 years on the planet I think that I have learned (a)enough to save myself and my family and (b)enough to be left with no excuses if (a) does not happen.
While the ignorance issue is pretty clear, I recently came across these words from Joseph F. Smith regarding the epidemic of indifference that is so prevalent in today's world:
"One of the greatest evils existing … is that of ignorance, coupled with indifference. I presume that if the ignorant were not so indifferent to these facts and to their condition they might be prompted to learn more than they do. The trouble with men and women is that they too frequently close their eyes to the facts that exist around them, and it seems to be very difficult for many of the people to learn and adapt to their lives those simple truths that should be in fact the household words and precepts of every Latter-day Saint, and of every home of a Latter-day Saint. How shall we stem the tide of this evil, this indifference, this consequent ignorance? It appears to me that the only way to do it is to wake up and become interested, or to interest ourselves in those things which are so important and necessary to the happiness and well-being of the children of men, especially that which is so needful for the happiness and well-being of ourselves individually."
There is a lot going on in that paragraph of prophetic prose. As you read it, keep in mind that he was saying these things in 1915. While "the facts that exist around" us might be different now than they were then, we still know people that have "closed their eyes" to them. And the beautiful thing about the gospel is that the "simple truths" that he speaks about are the same that our prophet today is speaking about. In fact, they are the same as ancient prophets spoke of in our holy scriptures.
Now, I have no idea what "the tide of this evil" looked like in 1915, but I can guarantee you that it has risen a bit since. But his promise is sure. The only way to stem the tide is to wake up and become interested. I love how he calls a spade a spade (prophets have a way of doing that) and gives the priesthood a wake up call. It reminds me of Jacob 3:11:
"O my brethren, hearken unto my words; arouse the faculties of your souls; shake yourselves that ye may awake from the slumber of death; and loose yourselves from the pains of hell that ye may not become angels to the devil, to be cast into that lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death."
If we likened the words of Joseph F. Smith to us today, what would his call to "wake up and become interested" really sound like:
Slow down
Turn the TV off
Do your home teaching
Go to the temple
Read and apply the words of living prophets
Serve others
Magnify your calling(s)
Read the scriptures
Testify to your children
Bless others
Share the gospel with your neighbors
Check in with your wife ("Companionship Inventory")
I don't know how you are doing with these things but for me, the call to "wake up and become interested" hits close to home and there is some room for improvement in several of these areas. President Smith's counsel continues:
"Fix in your minds noble thoughts, cultivate elevated themes, let your aims and aspirations be high...Get the most possible service out of your time, your body and brains, and let all your efforts be directed into honorable channels, that no effort shall be wasted, and no labor result in loss or evil. Seek the very best society; be kind, polite, agreeable, seeking to learn whatever is good, and comprehend the duties of life that you may be a blessing to all those with whom you associate, making the very most and best of your lot in life."
What a great challenge for all of us to live up to in today's world. It looks like I have my work cut out for me.
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